A course distribution platform for institutes to create and manage their courses.
You can visit the live application here.
Tech stack
- Python
- Django
- Django rest framework
- Pytorch
- Llama
- Nextjs
- Zustand
- NextAuth
- Mux
- Stripe
- Uploadthing
- Docker
- Docker compose
- Backend server built with Django and django rest framework.
- Client side built with nextjs
- Personalized AI assistant for communtication between instructor and students
- Client side state management with zustand
- Upload videos to uploadthing
- Mux for playing videos online
- Postgresql as database
- Deployed backend app with docker and docker compose
Institutes or teachers can create and sell courses. Institutes can add more instructors and each of these instructors can create their own courses. Can upload course videos to the platform. Includes user specific dashboard.