A platform for trading on Indian stock market. Provide courses for learning about trading, news about the market, and analytics of the stock performance.

Tech stack

  • Python
  • Django
  • Django rest framework
  • Django channels
  • Flutter
  • Reactjs
  • Redux
  • Zerodha
  • Razorpay
  • AWS
  • Docker
  • Docker compose
  • Terraform


  • Backend server built with Django and django rest framework.
  • Client side built with reactjs for web and flutter for mobile.
  • Provides realtime stock market data on websocket with Django channels.
  • Postgresql as database.
  • Deployed backend app with terraform.

My contributions

  • Built backend services and managed backend development team.
  • Defined features required by the management.
  • Coordinated between backend development team and frontend development team.
  • Managed backend deployment infrastructure and build the whole CI/CD pipeline with terraform on amazon web services